レイモンド・フィスク教授から、無事を知らせるメールが届く *駒ヶ根高原マラソン15K速報


 タイトルは、”Update on New Orleans”(ニューオーリンズの今)となっていました。わたしが訪問した翌日(7月28日)に、新しいビルに移動するのだと楽しみにしていました。

“Update on New Orleans”


I’m very sorry that I have not found time to write sooner. You have probably seen the news that New Orleans was nearly swept away by Hurricane Katrina.

Our university had relatively minor flooding damage. Our brand new business building wasn’t damaged, except by refugees who stayed there for several days. One of our marketing faculty was able to return. He reports that all the marketing offices were safe. UNO will open classes at our undamaged branch campuses on October 10 and expects to fully reopen for the spring semester.

Unfortunately, the damage to the city is much worse than the damage to our university.


Raymond P. Fisk, Professor and Chair, Department of Marketing
and Logistics, College of Business Administration,
University of New Orleans, New Orleans, LA 70148-1566
Work Phone: (504) 280-6160 * Work Fax: (504) 280-5443
Home Phone: (504) 288-4740
E-Mail: rfisk@uno.edu
Private E-Mail: rfisk@XXX.net
Private E-Mail: rfisk1@YYY.net