
 台湾から雑誌記者(林さん)が来ている。明日か明後日に、神田小川町のオフィスで、彼(女)のインタビューに答えることになっている。事前に、日本の(低)価格の現状について4つの質問が来ている。皆さんなら、どのように答えるだろうか? 午前中は、アールビーズの取締役会があるので、本日の午後に、答えを準備しようと思っている。



> *The following is an outline of the interview:*
> 1.For international consumers, Japanese brands are known for offering
> high-quality and low-price service at the same time. Why do you think that
> has become a notable feature of Japanese businesses?
> 2.Economists have often described Japan as suffering from stagnant growth
> and weak consumption. What impact does this macro-economic environment have
> on Japanese businesses?
> 3.Abenomics had unleashed an era of weak yen. How does weak yen impact the
> service and retail industry in Japan? How does weak yen shape business
> strategy?
> 4.What are some new trends emerging from Japanese service and retail
> businesses?